The following attacks mark the worst of attacks committed by Osama Bin Laden the leader of Al qaeda.
The 9/11 attacks were series of attacks made by the Al Qaeda on America.They consist of three different attacks that used the same approach in terrorising the Americans.The Al qaeda hijacked planes in which they used to destroy the americans.
(a)The world trade centre attack.
On september 11,2001 at around 8.45am on tuesday morning,American Airlines plane crashed into the north tower of the WORLD TRADE CENTER.It was discovered that the plane was loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel.The impact of the crash left a burning hole near the 80th floor and trapped hundreds of people in higher floors.
As the evacuation of the tower got underway,19 minutes after the first plane crash,a second plane UNITED AIRLINES FLIGHT 175 appeared out of nowhere and hit the southern tower of WORLDTRADE CENTRE near the 60th floor.The collition caused a massive explotion that showered burning debris over surrounding area.
Around 10.00am the southern tower of the World Trade Centre collapsed in a massive cloud of dust and smoke.AT 1O.3Oam the north building also collapsed.The structural steel was unable to withstand the heat generated by the burning jet fuel.
Only 6 people survived this attack.10,000 others were treated for injuries.Many died.
(b)The Pentagon military headquarters
The pentagon is the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defence.At around 9.45am,American Airlines flight 77 circled over downtown Washington ,DC before crashing into the westside of the Pentagon.
125 millitary personnel were killed along with 64 other aboard the airliner.
(c)The carlifonia bound plane
The UNITED FLIGHT 93,was hijacked after leaving newark liberty international airport in NEW JERSEY.Due to what had happened ealier,the passengers were well aware on what was going to happen next.The passengers fought the four hijackers and were suspected to have attacked the cockpit.The plane lost control and flipped over to the ground.It crushed in a rural area in shanksville in western Pennsylvania. at 10.10am
2.Kenya and Tanzania Embassy bombings.
In 7th August 1998,the United States embassy in Nairobi was attacked.Another minutes later another truck bomb detonated outside the US embassy in Tanzania,a neighbouring country.The dual attacks killed 224 people and 12 americans.it wouded 4500 people.
3.Mombasa dual attacks
In November 2002,Al Qaeda attacks Mombasa Kenya against an Israeli owned hotel and a plane belonging to Arkia Arlines.A vehicle crashes through the barrier of the Paradise Hotel and blows up.It kills 13 and injures 80.
Same time,the attackers fire two surface to air missiles at an Israeli charter plane.
The attackers were believed to be Al Qaeda.They wanted to disrupt the Israeli tourist industry on frica.
4.Riyadh compoud bombings.
There were two major bombings in Riyadh,Saudi Aradia.On 12 May 2003,39 people were killed and over 160 badly wounded.The bombs went off at 3 compounds within Riyadh.
- Dorrat Al Jadawel
- Al Hamra Oasis villag
- Vinnel corporation compound.
On 8th november,a bomb was detonated in the Al Mohaya house,west of Riyath.it killed 17 people and wounding 122 others.
In July 7,2005,bombs were detonated in three crowded London subways and one bus during the city rush hour.The bombings killed 56 people including the bombers and injured another 600.It was the largest attack on great britain since WW II.
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