The Love Circle.

Love.Its one of the hardest words in this world to define.Trust me, there is none of the people in this world that can perfectly define this word.What is love according to you???If i was to listen to all those answers probably you would have misguided me.Love was created by our creator and it is regarded as one of the most important gifts to human beings.Why love and why is it very important to us?The word love carries alot of meaning and also many words inside it.For example, if i love u, i have to be kind to u, so definately love carries kindness in it.It carries other gifts such as caring, careful, faithful, loyalty, self control, self driven, humility, joyful, patience and many others the list can be endless.So if love carries all this elements then it is regarded as the greatest of them all. 

In this modern world or can i call it 'the miserable 21st century' we have forgotten what love is.Am used to hear the stories of my great grandfathers, how love used to be.The people in that time were something.The men would probably trackdown the women of their choice in a way that nobody could in this generation.So the women back then were associated with fetching water by the river as one of their role in the society.So a man had to master the day his lover was going to the river, the time and the route which she would take.There were no phones to text or a watch to check the time.It was hard back then but they still loved each other.
Welcome to my world, where 'I love you' is the greeting people tend to greet each other.In the coming of thought, how many girls have you told them that u love them??How many boys have reached out to you that they love you??The answer to both is probably alot.Lets take for example the celebrity Kim Kardashian.She is one of the most famous celebrity in our lifetime.Come to the think of it how many men out there wanna be with many men love her and really wanna be with her?People are misguided with world's fame and money.The first thing, when you marry a celebrity like her is that the world will recognise you and secondly, doors of earning start opening up.Most people think that having money and having a cute - like celebrity wife is being happy.Trust me you are all wrong.Happiness just like Love, comes from the heart.If riches brought Love and hapiness then Elon musk, Mark and Bills gate could be the happiest men on earth.The question is, Are they the most happiest people in the planet??

You see love is not about, the iphone x u got, the mansion, the choppers, the labels you wear, what u eat daily, the car collection.Love is all about the heart.The choice that your heart choose.Would you rather be with a rich guy who uses you and has no future with you or a poor man who hustles daily but loves you and has a future with you??To be honest this question is hard to our women.Some say i would rather eat what i want daily and be mistreated,Some will not agree to be mistreated by a rich guy.
I understand both groups here.We are different in terms of background. Everybody has his or her story.As in for me i wouldn't date anyone because of her money.Her money is hers not mine.I have to work hard to have my own money.I cant date you because you are a celebrity, i gotta work hard too to become my own celebrity.

The roots in love are the most important things in a relationship. What you had together in the past with your partner is what really makes your relationship so firm.For example, my girlfriend used to attend classes and every friday she would finish her classes fast and come over to my place.There was no friday i was lonely by myself.This is one root of our relationship. This is one of the reason, i dont cheat on her and i wouldn't do anything to hurt her because i love her.The roots are very important, they make one want to go on with his or her partner a step foward together.Love should be based on trust.I dont have to be having all of my partners social accounts in my small head.I once dated a girl whom i never saw her mobile phone.Trust me years and i dont see your phone and we meet regularly.This doesn't add up at all.No incoming calls when you are with me.I figured out she was switching it off whenever she was around me.I didn't judge her but she made me doubt her.What could you have done??

One has to understand that love comes from the heart and not mind.People sometimes always ask should i listen to my heart or your mind? The minds always things about one thing, that is a positive thing. The heart in the other hand choses either a positive or negative thing.In a situation where you have a gun on your hands and there down is a burglar who just broke into your house killed your whole family in a cold blood.Remember you are pointing a gun at him, your whole family is down "not breathing". What will your head tell you??What will you heart want you to do.First without thinking, your mind will tell you to shoot him dead but secondly since you are not a muderer your heart will tell you not to kill.I know its a very hard situation and you will have a million reason to kill him.Even the system itself will never ask you if you decide to end his life.The choice is yours, Its your call.But, is killing him the solution??About 70% of the people will not kill him, infact they will burst into tears.That is one way of showing that you really loved them and you listened to your heart. 

Love is one of the strongest things i have known.There is nothing that can shake love.My grandmother, who left us last year was married for around 70 years and above.Imagine living with a person for 70 years and you tell me there is something that can shake real love,to me you are dreaming.Love is real. I wish everyone could experience the happiness and the vibe from somebody somewhere. I love you 💕

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