The Balance
Balance is simply putting something in a steady position so that it cannot fall down or break.It also means offset or comparing the value of one thing with another.We as human being depend on the natural balance for our survival.Life itself is balanced by the nature.When nature decides to take away our lives then there is nothing we can do about it.Take an example of a see-saw.A see-saw demonstrates how life should be.When two boys get to the see-saw and boy A is heavier than boy B.Boy A tends to lift boy B.Thus resulting to boy A going down and boy B getting lifts up.This act shows that the two boys are not balanced.So even playing together with the see-saw can be hard.Life should be balanced, both the negative and positive energy should be of the same amount.We both experice the dark side and the light side in everything we do.The decisions that we the human beings decide have both the positive side and the negative.For example, introduction of the internet.It brought both the positive and the bad effects.they include,
href="" imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em; text-align: center;">
Fast communication
Creation of employment
Creation of new careers
Drug trafficking
Selling of weapons
You see though the internet is not a bad thing to me and you it has its own consequences.So in everything a person does, there is always a positive side of it and a negative side of it.
When you come to the Chinese Phylosophy.The yin and yang define the balance of life.Yin is the negative energy.It is associated with feminine, earth, darkness and cold.Yang on the other hand is the positive energy.It is associated with masculinity, heaven, light and activity.The two forces tend to bring balance to this natural world.They are the pull and push, the west and the east, the heaven and the earth, the light and the darkness.The two energy make it easier for life to continue.Understanding the life's balance one has to understand his own actions.A person's actions are his own downfall.They say what you do today will determine your tommorrow.So the Yang is usually very strong during the night and the Yin is strong during the day.This shows how the two enegies are balanced and they tend to respect each other in an understandable way.The Chinese phylosophy on the two energies is extended by the works of the monk.The monks are religious people who tend to follow religion and all the aspects of it.We have seen or probably heard how the monks can withstand inhuman conditions.For example, There was a monk who sat inside a cooking pan while meditating.
Oil was put in the pan and fire was started.A huge fire continued burning for hours and nothing happened to the monk.This means that the monk had alot of yin energy preventing him to get burnt.We have also seen monks cutting through glass using a needle, doing pushups with a single fingure and sweating while meditating in cold places.All this actions explains in deep that the body of a human being can be able to release both the Yin and Yang.It also tells us the two energies can be stored in our bodies.
In my last blog, i talked about the women.And i clearly said that a man cannot survive without a woman.The same goes about the positive and negative energies.They depend on one another for their survival.When one is high the other lowers and like that they correspond.Just like the Sun and the moon.One during the day and the other at
night.Ever thought what could happen if the two energies did not exist??Think of it, how could be the world?There is no positivity or negativity in your actions.People will be slaughtering each other for no reason.Nobody will come and arrest you because there are no laws.When i make mobile app, who will buy it??There is no positive energy.Thats why i said we all depend on the balance of the two energies.When the two forces are not available then balance is not available and so is life.
To a get a steady balance in ones life.One should always make good decision on his or her actions.For what you decide to do can have an impact on many other people than you may know.Sometimes its always not about what you want, think about what will happen if u get what you want and is it worth it.
Thank you for reading and may you please follow my blog.
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